1569 - 1772 Polish Commonwealth

Photo Album for 1668 - 1728 Rohatyn Documents

1582 Mendel Izakowicz leased collection of taxes on liqour in Rohatyn.(1)

1614 Dominican Monastery founded in current market area north of rynek off Halitska. (2)

1618: Battle with Tatars

1633, March 27. Privileges given to Jews of Rohatyn by Wladyslaw IV

(Source: Wawel Archive, Krakow, TSchn II 100. Translation by AK)

Rohatyn Jews receive municipal rights to build synagogue and cemetery and to trade.(1)

1644-5 Wooden Church of the Holy Spirit near river founded (2).

1647 Iconostasis made in Church of the Holy Spirit. (2)

1663, May 21. Confirmation of prior privileges to Jews of Rohatyn by King Jan Kazimerz.

(Source: Wawel Archive, Krakow, TSchn II 100. Translation by AK)

1666 Roman Catholic St. Nicholas Church founded off rynek.(2)

1669 Confirmation of priviledge for Jews to have market day on Teusday by King Micheal Korybut Wisnoiwiecki

(Source: Wawel Archive, Krakow, TSchn II 100. Translation by AK)

Rohatyn Jews receive right to own a house in the market place.

Invasion by Tartars. (1)

1600s Cossacks Wars. (1)

1693 Lease Contract for the Rohatyn District between Count Sieniawski and Moszko Juszkowicz and Abramko Szajewicz

1700s Rohatyn Jewish community becomes independent.(1)

1710 Rohatyn District Population List

1718 Jews restricted from collecting taxes, customs, and rent, and hiring Christian servants.(1)

1725 Inventory of the Rohatyn District

1729 Wooden St. Nciholas Church founded near old cemetery. (2)

1757-9 Schorr Family and the Frankist movement in Rohatyn.(1) http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Baal_Shem_Tov

1772 Division of Poland, Rohatyn given to Countess Zofia Lubomirska. (1)


1. Pinkas for Rohatyn

2. Rohatyn on Wikipedia.com

3. (Source: Wawel Archive, Krakow, TSchn II 100. Translation by AK)

4. Wawel Archive, Krakow. TSchn II 094

The Golden Age of the Jagiellionian Dynasty Exhibition

The Ossolineum Library has launched a virtual exhibition "The Golden

Age of the Jagiellonian Dynasty" with many unique objects showing the

Renaissance-period culture in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
