1921 Old Cemetery

1921 Parcel Map of the Old Cemetery in Rohatyn

Link to the Jerusalem Hill Folder for parcel drawings of this area.

Black and white map acquired from Rabbi Moshe Leib Kolesnik by Alex Feller, February 12, 2009.

Photographs of documents found in the Ivano-Frankivsk Archive Fond 2.1.2039 taken by Alex Denysenko for the Rohatyn Shtetl Research Group, August 3, 2013.

The map shows the parcels of land including and around the Old Jewish Cemetery (marked as parcel 350).

"At first glance it appears to be a very small portion of a cadastral map consisting of a few houses and yards or small parcels. The numbers are land parcel numbers and I can tell you that the map information is NOT from the original survey that was likely in 1846. Instead the map is from a later period at a time when the original was likely redrawn and updated. The clue for this is the parcel that is numbered 336/5 This number indicates that the original parcel numbered 336 in 1846 was later divided into at least 5 parcels and this is one of them. Looking at the map section, it appears (speculation on my part) that the other 4 parcels that made up the original one are the unnumbered ones to the top of the numbered one. In any case, they must be physically attached in order to have been split and they could not have been the other adjoining parcels that have other numbers. The title of the document is "Copy from the Rohatyn community cadastral map".

The map is obviously professionally drafted, likely by an official surveyor. The style and neatness of the numbering is the clue for this. The stamps tell me this was an official document and the date is given as 23 July 1921. So the map that the information was taken from would be dated sometime between 1846 and 1921." (Source: Brian Lenius, 11/29/09)

Article called The Unforgettable Jerusalem by Olga Verbiana, April 29, 2019.