Rohatyn in the Newspaper

Davar Newspaper dated Sept 5, 1950

Re: Ad for Dr. Julia (Jute) HORN TEICHMANN

Found and Translated by Ruthy

" I returned from my vacation abroad and I will start seeing patients in my clinic again.

Dr. Juta (יוטה)Teichman

32, Hertzel St Haifa"

Davar newspaper dated June 24 1945

Re: Postcard from Anka Shoeler in Rohatyn to Fishel Weiler in Israel:

Found and translated by Ruthy

"During the whole German occupation tragedy I was in Rohatyn. After all the Jews in the Ghetto were annihilated on June 6 1943, only a few were able to run away and most of them, were killed as well. I lived in the woods, in earth tunnels, for 14 months until Rohatyn was liberated by the red army. With me in Rohatyn I have my sister Malbina Shmurak with her son (her husband was killed as well) and my Dad. My mother was killed on March 20, 1942 during a Pogrom here in town. My darling, your mother was lucky, she died immediately when the Germans entered the town, so did your brother, from Typhus. The rest of the family members are all gone"